Beloved Community,
After deep prayer and conversations with trusted advisors, I have discerned that my time of ministry with you is coming to an end. I am grateful for all the years we have had together. However, now God is calling me in a new direction. I am being called in new ways and am looking to start a program toward a degree in nursing.
You too, have a call, a call to serve this community as you have for so many years. A call to feed those in need, to love your neighbors and help them to care for their homes. The faith and spirit of this community is mighty. Even as our calls take us on different paths I know you will walk yours with care and strength.
When my family and I arrived as visitors to this congregation in 2012 we found immediate welcome and a church to call home. You opened your hearts to us and we opened ours to you. You have walked with us through many life transitions, including the birth of our child and have helped us to raise her as a curious and faithful person.
In 2014, God worked in mysterious ways and both the congregation and I found ourselves looking for ministry partners. God called us to continue ministry together as Pastor and congregation. It has been a blessing to be with you all these years. You have allowed and assisted me to grow in my pastoral role and I hope that I have also helped you to follow God faithfully.
Over the next few months we celebrate our ministry together and say good-bye. Please feel welcome to reach out to me during this time. I’m happy to talk with you about whatever questions or concerns, stories or hopes, thoughts or emotions you want to share.
I remain always your sibling in Christ,
Laura Jennison Reed